Channel Player Channel Radio Web Player
One full hour dedicated to the 60s with no interruptions.
closeKonrad’s love for music has always been apparent and in 2012 he was persuaded to begin playing the music he loved for others by his wife Camilla. “I was very reluctant to take on the role of DJ simply because I wasn’t a DJ” Konrad says jokingly. “I have always loved music and have been told I have an ear for good music, but I had been a behind the scenes guy.”
closeBrighten up your Thursday evening’s with some of World Music’s sweetest sounds, courtesy of Channel Radio’s very own Cris ‘Tinnie 6’. Chris has been with Channel Radio since day one. He is one of the hardest working presenter’s we have. No stone is every unturned in Chris’s endevours to bring you the most fascinating and exciting World dance music out there now.
closeThe Warp Factor – Spinning a yarn against his own name and having been nicknamed Captain all his life, Kirk created The Warp Factor. (Which although may make reference to Star Trek, it is not a Trekkie related show)
closeKeith has been broadcasting for almost a decade. Started broadcasting with internet radio station Reach on Air before moving over to community radio
closeGreat, way for sending quick messages to the studio, if you can’t tweet or facebook us, we are always happy to hear what’s on your mind…